Trial and Error.

We’ve loved. We’ve lost. We’ve trusted. We’ve been betrayed. We’ve laughed. We’ve cried.

We’ve had our ups. We’ve had our downs.

There are a few of us who still have our that one childhood friend to call in the middle of the night and gossip. For others, there have been a series of relationships through years, though significant at the time, have faded away as moments passed by. Maybe it was the distance; Maybe it was the mismatched frequency; Maybe it wasn’t just meant to be.

The series of relationships we encounter in our lives, some docile and innocent, others being the hurricane they are. As we look back, we realise that sooner or later, it all comes to an end, it is all finite. That childhood friend moved to another city, the school partner found another buddy to share his lunch with, your first love broke your heart, the kind stranger on the bus never showed up again. Sooner or later, it all comes to an end. You might move on, gather your feelings, shove them deep inside and vow to never look back. Yet, these feelings have a sly manner of creeping back up during those late nights. The nights which come with a bundle of regrets. That “What if?” which comes crawling every time you bury the memories deep within.

It is usually at the crack of dawn that realisation hits a few of us, few who have explored every ‘maybe’, every ‘what if?’, every ounce of regret. A realisation that there is no screening process, no manual, no instruction booklet. Every person you meet, every friend you make, every stranger you smile at, every partner you trust, every person you’ve lost‌, every loss you think about and regret, is now an experience, a lesson, a tiny bookmarked point in the manual you make along on the journey. It does not matter whether the connection you have lasts for a minute or a decade, if it was real or a fluttering wish. The end of the journey, the memories, the lesson is all that matters. Maybe, the few friends who left you yesterday, filtered out your bestfriend of today. Maybe the two bad relationships you lived through before, paved way for your life partner of tomorrow. Maybe, what happened yesterday, just made your tomorrow possible.

It is all about trial and errors. Don’t beat yourself up for living through your trial phase to get that near perfect tomorrow. Don’t beat yourself up over broken connections. Don’t let the nights invite any regrets.

Because without those trials, without those errors, would you ever find your perfect ending?